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JOHANSON International Head Office
Located in la Ruche, co-working space for social innivation et social business, JOHANSON International is specialized in sustainable development issues and for social innovation. Activities of the agency are directed towards defining sustainable development strategy, carbon assessment and advice QHSEEr. La Ruche allows the agency to consolidate its facilitator activities of networks of expertise with partners.
JOHANSON International
La Ruche
84 Quai de Jemmapes
75010 Paris
+33 (1) 84 17 20 26

Office in Nantes
​Located in the heart of the city, our office is specialized in environmental monitoring based on urban and architectural scale Technology Park in Lagord and also works with Alliance2i as a certifier QHSEEr.
Johanson International
5 Boulevard Vincent Gâche
BP 36204
44262 Nantes Cedex 2
+33 (2) 85 52 30 59

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